domenica 7 aprile 2013

Jack Kirby e Paul McCartney

Magneto & Titanium Man è il titolo di una canzone composta da Paul McCartney nel 1975 e pubblicata nell'album Venus & Mars degli Wings, un gruppo fondato dal musicista di Liverpool un anno dopo lo scioglimento dei Beatles. La canzone ispirata al personaggio dei fumetti degli X-Men fu suonata nei concerti del tour Wings Over The World che ebbero luogo nel 1975 e nel 1976.

I fratelli Gary e Steve Sherman organizzarono un incontro fra Jack Kirby, Paul McCartney e Linda McCartney prima dell'inizio di un concerto a Los Angeles (vedi questo articolo su The Collected Jack Kirby Collector vol. 1). Nell'occasione Kirby donò a Paul e Linda un disegno nel quale Magneto combatteva contro gli Wings e assistette al concerto in prima fila assieme alla moglie Roz, alla figlia Liza e ai fratelli Sherman. Prima di suonare Magneto & Titanium Man, accompagnata da immagini dei fumetti della Marvel, Denny Laine disse "Where are ya, Jack? Rock it!" (video in alto).

Su Kirby Museum ci sono il disegno fatto da Kirby per McCartney e altre fotografie dell'incontro.

Magneto & Titanium Man
Paul McCartney

Well, I was talking last night  
Magneto and Titanium man  
We were talking about you, babe  
They said
You was involved in a robbery  

That was due to happen  
At a quarter to three In the main street
I didn't believe them Magneto and Titanium Man  

But when the crimson dynamo  
Finally assured me, well, I knew
You was involved in a robbery  

That was due to happen  
At a quarter to three In the main street
So, we went out Magneto and Titanium Man  

And the crimson dynamo  
Came along for the ride
We went to town with the library  

And we swung all over that  
Long, tall bank in the main street
Well, there she were and to my despair  

She's a five-star criminal Breaking the code
Magneto said, "Now, the time has come To gather our forces and run”  

Oh, no, this can't be so
And then it occurred to me  

You couldn't be bad Magneto was mad but Titanium too
And the crimson dynamo 

They just couldn't cut it no more  
You were the law
We went to town with the library  

And we swung all over that  
Long, tall bank in the main street
You know the one I mean?  

Well, there she's were and to my despair  
She's a five-star criminal Breaking the code
Magneto said, "Now, the time has come To gather our forces and run”  

Oh, no, this can't be so
And then it occurred to me  

You couldn't be bad Magneto was mad, Titanium too
And the crimson dynamo  

They just couldn't cut it no more  
You were the law

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