lunedì 23 novembre 2009

Vivien McDermid vince il Graphic Short Story Prize

Più di trecento fumettisti si sono iscritti alla terza edizione del Graphic Short Story Prize organizzato dal festival Comica.

Il vincitore:
Paint di Vivien McDermid
Il fumetto in pdf parte 1, parte 2, parte 3, parte 4 oppure online.

Menzione speciale:
Days of the Bagnold Summer di Joff Winterhart
Il fumetto in pdf parte 1, parte 2, parte 3, parte 4.

Concorrenti che hanno pubblicato la loro opera in rete:
Coffee Beans by Khaled Abou Alfa
The Right To Return by Dan Archer
Lift by Sammy Borras
Age Of Innocence by Francesca Cassavetti
Sherwin's Cottage by Frances Castle
Zombie Of The Great Unwashed by Jason Colby & Paul Harrison Davies
The D.O.B. Question by Natalie d'Arbeloff
How I Built My Father by Rob Davis
The Sleeper by David Enker
Richard by Hannah Forward
Cow by Moel Fox
Tower Hamlets by Paul Francis
Starcross'd by Nigel Gilbert
Flu Fighters by Key NG
Fwendly Fruit's Zany Adventure by Mickey Lam
Bill & Joyce by David Litchfield
Waiting 4 Banksy by James Milroy
Blip by David O'Connell
Overcast by Tom Pearce
Some People by Luke Pearson
Ropomo by Aidan Potts
Maryl by Hugh Raine
Olympus School by John Riordan
Digital Love by Paul Shinn
Tinned Peaches by Martin Simpson
Pretty Girls Make Graves by Aiden Smith
The Fire Sermon by Sion Smith & Charlotte Rose
Headgear by Soju Tanaka
Sloth & Spider by Matilda Tristram
Ideas by Mady Vian
The Line To Nowhere by Rory Walker
Derek's Dreadful Dungeon Diversion by Andi Watson

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