domenica 14 ottobre 2007

I vincitori degli Ignatz Awards

Questo fine settimana nel corso dell'SPX Small Press Expo sono stati assegnati gli Ignatz Awards.

Outstanding Artist
Jaime Hernandez, Love & Rockets (Fantagraphics Books)

Outstanding Anthology or Collection
Curses by Kevin Huizenga (Drawn & Quarterly)

Outstanding Graphic Novel
Don’t Go Where I Can’t Follow by Anders Nilsen (Drawn & Quarterly)

Outstanding Story
“Felix” by Gabrielle Bell, Drawn & Quarterly Showcase Vol. 4 (Drawn & Quarterly)

Promising New Talent
Tom Neely, The Blot (I Will Destroy You)

Outstanding Series
Mourning Star by Kazimir Strzepek (Bodega Distribution)

Outstanding Comic
Optic Nerve #11 by Adrian Tomine (Drawn & Quarterly)

Outstanding Mini-Comic
P.S. Comics #3 by Minty Lewis

Outstanding Online Comic
Achewood by Chris Onstad

Best Debut Comic
Papercutter #6 Edited by Alec Longstreth

[da The Beat]

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